Natives Olivenöl Extra
Ich betreibe meinen Betrieb als Einzelhändler schon seit über 24 Jahren. Meine Kunden sind Privat- und Geschäftskunden (Edeka, Großküchen, Einzelhandel). Während der Winter-/Früchtesaison liefere ich nicht nur die Ware aus sondern führe auch einen Lagerverkauf und einen kleinen Laden mit meinen Produkten. Hauptsächlich verkaufe ich Bio-Zitrusfrüchte aus Sizilien bzw. Italien. Durch engen Kontakt mit meinen Lieferanten weiß ich woher die Bio-Zitrusfrüchte herkommen! Der kontrollierte Anbau ist die Basis für unsere Bio-Produkte. Seit 2008 sind wir ein zertifizierter Betrieb! Durch den Kontakt mit Sizilien bin ich dann 2017 auf die Oliven bzw. Olivenöl gestoßen. Daraus entstand dann langsam und gewissenhaft unser Olivenöl Extra Vergine.
Nermin Hanım Domat
We produce from 50 thousand olive trees located at the foothills of Kazdağı in the Edremit Gulf Region (Edremit, Ayvalık, Gömeç, Havran) . We care for our olives by respecting and protecting nature. Our olives do not contain pesticides. Our olives are brought to eating maturity by natural fermentation method. No chemicals or additives are used to speed up the process.
Nermin Hanım Edremit
We produce from 50 thousand olive trees located at the foothills of Kazdağı in the Edremit Gulf Region (Edremit, Ayvalık, Gömeç, Havran) . We care for our olives by respecting and protecting nature. Our olives do not contain pesticides. Our olives are brought to eating maturity by natural fermentation method. No chemicals or additives are used to speed up the process.
Noor Fes
It is in the heart of the magnificent plains of the region of Fez, renowned for its ancestral culture of the olive tree, that our domain extends. Our orchard benefits from a source of pure mineral water, rich and fertile soil: a winning combination that determines the quality of our fruit and our olive oil with its subtle taste.
Nova Vera Ayvalık
Our story started in 2016 with an olive garden in Ayvalık, with our pursuit of being close to nature and healthy life after working in the information systems sector for many years.As Nova Vera, we aim to be differentiated by applying clean, sustainable, non-harming, health-giving and priority-oriented methods in both olive cultivation and olive oil production.
Nova Vera Golden Harvest
Our story started in 2016 with an olive garden in Ayvalık, with our pursuit of being close to nature and healthy life after working in the information systems sector for many years.As Nova Vera, we aim to be differentiated by applying clean, sustainable, non-harming, health-giving and priority-oriented methods in both olive cultivation and olive oil production.
Nova Vera Kids
Our story started in 2016 with an olive garden in Ayvalık, with our pursuit of being close to nature and healthy life after working in the information systems sector for many years.As Nova Vera, we aim to be differentiated by applying clean, sustainable, non-harming, health-giving and priority-oriented methods in both olive cultivation and olive oil production.
Nova Vera Memecik
Our story started in 2016 with an olive garden in Ayvalık, with our pursuit of being close to nature and healthy life after working in the information systems sector for many years.As Nova Vera, we aim to be differentiated by applying clean, sustainable, non-harming, health-giving and priority-oriented methods in both olive cultivation and olive oil production.