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We want people to come to know the culture of oil , the place where it is produced and how it is made, to see the olive trees, to get to know the territory, to learn the uses it has in the kitchen. We believe that this is the way for the consumer to be loyal and consume extra virgin olive oil, so important in our Mediterranean diet, according to many doctors, researchers, naturopaths and chefs, who endorse the properties of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and its benefits for our health.

Estância Das Oliveiras Arbequina

A Estância das Oliveiras foi criada pela família Goelzer, fundadores da Quinta da Estância (fazenda de turismo e eventos de Viamão). Foi um sonho realizado e agora colocado em prática. A Estância das Oliveiras é uma fazenda produtora de Azeites de Oliva Premium pensada para receber eventos que unam exclusividade e simplicidade. A apenas 28km de Porto Alegre é um pedaço da Toscana no RS, recebe eventos sociais, corporativos e realiza locações para encontros inesquecíveis. Iniciamos projeto de pesquisa com Oliveiras na região em 2007. Utilizando métodos inovadores de plantio, manejo e uma colheita manual cuidadosa e conseguimos produzir azeitonas de altíssima qualidade

Fg Serrata Gold

Alicante has been a producer and exporter of this precious liquid gold since the time of the Phoenicians. The Arabs already took advantage of the fruit of the olive and its juice for domestic, cosmetic and offering use. At Bodegas Francisco Gómez we continue this ancestral legacy; we want to show the world the culture of our land and its history. Our olives, of the arbequina, picual, grosal, chiquita and cornicabra varieties, come from 300 hectares of our own cultivation. Our private mill has the capacity to process one million kilos and we exclusively produce extra virgin olive oil. Here we bottle all our production, launching it both nationally and internationally.

Fidelco Gold Arbequina

We are a family business founded in 1933 where the main activity is the production, packaging and marketing of extra virgin olive oil. In our mill located in Loranca de Tajuña, we have the most modern technology for the extraction of "olive juice" and thus, guarantee Extra Virgin Olive Oils of a differentiated quality.

Finca La Gramanosa – Arbequina

La Gramanosa was born 30 years ago, the fruit of a passion for the olive tree, which rewards its caretakers with a highly prized product at each harvest: its best olives.

Gaudea Signature

We are olive growers. Our passion grows slowly in deep-rooted trees. Calmly. Every year, we bottle that waiting and bring it to you in the form of a unique oil. Made with great care. So that you can crown your dishes with the pure expression of our land. With 52 hectares of fields and more than half a tonne of olives, we produce around 100,000 litres of oil per year, using only mechanical processes.


Olive oil, is the divine gift of mother nature. That’s why we named our precious product ‘Genius’. It means the individual existence of a divine nature that is present in every individual… It is not a coincidence that the ones who had the power to change the course of humankind shares the same ambition: Olive oil…

Hermus Arbequine

Hermus is the mythological name of the Gediz Plain, which has been a cradle to many civilizations throughout its history. Our story started with the introduction of a Spanish olive variety "Arbequina" in 2008, unlike traditional narratives. Utilizing a cold pressed method, we aim to capture the fruitiness of our olives, the flavor, and overall healthy properties.

Invicto Aove

INVICTO AOVE S.L. es una Empresa de reciente creación que ha ofrecido sus productos al mercado en la Campaña 2023-2024 para la venta y comercializacion de Aceite de oliva virgen extra en formatos de 500 ml y Variedades Arbosana, Picual, Frantoio y Arbequina. Nuestra misión es dar a conocer el extraordinario producto que hemos envasado procedente de Villanueva de la Reina (Jaén), para lo que hemos creado unos envases con diseños excepcionales con el objeto de proporcionar un valor añadido al producto. Entendemos que la calidad del producto es tan importante como el diseño y packaging que lo acompaña, apostando por tanto por ambos conceptos.

Les Cabanes

Dal 1780, la famiglia Farchioni seleziona materie prime per trasformarle in prodotti di eccellenza, al giusto prezzo. Olio, Vino, Birra e Farina: dal cuore dell’Umbria, i prodotti Farchioni hanno raggiunto le tavole di tutto il mondo. Filiera controllata, innovazione, valore alla sostenibilità ambientale e sociale. Ogni giorno, il valore delle cose buone.

Maida Arbequina

A family Business at the heart of what we do is quality and environment.Because we are a family farm and private press,we manage the whole value chain from tree to table and implement sustainability throughout the whole process. As well as using recyclable materials we implement zero waste policies that see our farm use solar technology as well as recycled water,providing clean pollution and noise free renewable sources of power that contribute to our carbon neutrality. We are commited to sustainability and are passionate about preservation as well as excelling in what is best described as a beautiful art. When clients buy from us they are buying into all the yearlong work in our groves,every conversation about a tree, a packaging direction and a tasting analysis and research paper we have discussed around our family table.

Maida Sp1

A family Business at the heart of what we do is quality and environment.Because we are a family farm and private press,we manage the whole value chain from tree to table and implement sustainability throughout the whole process. As well as using recyclable materials we implement zero waste policies that see our farm use solar technology as well as recycled water,providing clean pollution and noise free renewable sources of power that contribute to our carbon neutrality. We are commited to sustainability and are passionate about preservation as well as excelling in what is best described as a beautiful art. When clients buy from us they are buying into all the yearlong work in our groves,every conversation about a tree, a packaging direction and a tasting analysis and research paper we have discussed around our family table.