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Coming from a generation of olive producers and following the family tradition growing olive oil has always been our thing especially in a geographic location where olive oil is used in everything from food and health to beauty and cosmetics and even child care. Our ancestors treated our olive trees as members of the family and had impeccably foreseen today’s possibilities in the Olive industry. Masmana is the result of our endless efforts to brand our field productions and make it a part of your everyday life. Our olives are grown and nurtured by natural process and hand collected one by one carefully without destroying its natural qualities. They are then packed in our packaging unit armed with superior technology keeping in mind the current hygiene and sanitation guidelines. All our industrial facilities are certified by ISO. Masmana olive oils are among the most suitable consumable oils. Our products pass through heat treatment and strict supervision of highly qualified and experienced food engineers, where gastronomy specialists taste the food themselves. We have an eminent panel of Gastronomy specialists who have unmatched taste definitions and constantly keep updating us about the taste-smell-aroma balance of our Masmana oils.